Maybe not for the WORLD but it does for me.

I have been planning since 1995 and since then I have changed planners more often than my husbands (Yes. Plural), new bathroom towels, cars, and workplaces combined.  I could not even tell you how many planners I have owned and gotten rid of since my first Franklin Covey planner.

(P.S. I got rid of two husbands)

But ... I can tell you this.  
(And now for my disclaimer that what works for me is not the final law in this here planner world)

Let's continue.

For me, one main planner works and even though I have a cast of planners in supporting roles, only one TN is my main squeeze.

How to make you, the planner girl with a Hobo, ELCP, PP and all that understand me? Let me tell you the benefits I derive from my one main squeeze.

  1. I save money!  C'mon.  I have the one and don't need more crap so I buy less.  Simple shopaholic quantum math.
  2. One place for the things.  I only have to remember to go to the one planner to write shit down.  
  3. Less whoopsies.  I have been at so many meetups where I hear this "I forgot to write it down planner # 1,638", and that is because so many planner girls have so many planners and are writing the same thing OVER and OVER again so obviously there is a larger margin of error to forget to write it down.
  4. I am cured of FOMO.  Yup.  Seeing my main squeeze all set up with all I need and like makes me feel content so I do not feel like I am missing out when the next shinny trend pops up.
  5. My purse is lighter.  I carry the one planner so the what-is-in-my bag post will be dull but my back is glad to not carry a two-ton bag and this allows me to take my planner almost everywhere and helps with point #2.
  6. I save time because I can plan and decorate my week in about an hour instead of an hour per planner. I mean c'mon!!!  There is that 8 seasons of any given show on Netflix that is not going to watch itself.  I need free time for THAT! And wine.  I need free time for wine.
  7. I do not confuse the crap out of my family when I tell them "Go get my planner".  I mean ... have you ever tried to explain to someone to "Get the planner on the top shelf of the rolling cart in the living room.  Yeah.  The living room cart and not the bedroom cart."?  It is like having them find Proxima Centauri in the heavens (By the way ... closest star to Earth).  
  8. Packing for meetup does not require the rental of a Uhaul.  One planner, one bag and I am ready to go out the door.
Now!  Do not think of me as this planner goddess on top of the planner stack of Olympus that is golden and resplendent holding one planner cuz I do have 1,638 leather covers and want another 1,638.  But that is just "thee" cover.  I mean ... would you have just one purse?  The horror.
