"Why on God's green earth does a planner girl need a planner stack?" is usually the question asked by the non-planner enthusiast. But you see! The planner stack in itself is a conundrum of sorts because it is the most confusing and difficult question to try to answer in the planner community.

I cannot solve the riddle for anyone else but for me; however, my planner stack is that little pile of planners you see pictured above. They are my weapon of choice to organize and tackle all the shit that I want to do, and most of all, need to do in my life. Does that solve the unsolvable conundrum? Maybe as I go through them, it will enlighten the non-planner enthusiast.

I have ... ready? Grab a cup of wine or coffee cuz here it goes.

# 1 I have a micro Happy Planner™️ where I keep my master lists. My master lists consist of bucket lists, things that need doing for the house, kids or me, lists of places I want to visit or maybe series that I want to binge on a streaming service, shopping lists (groceries, wish to buy and need to buy so we have TP for our heinies), lists of people I want to write a letter to, gifts ideas for the kiddos, or dreams that one day I hope to carry out. It is my equivalent to 20 Google search tabs all open at once.

# 2 My Every Day Carry or as the planner lingo expert says ... my EDC (followed by the hair flip). Here is my brain on paper. Without it, I have no idea what I need to do this week or where I said I would go in a month from now. I use a TN (another acronym for a planner dictionary blog that I guess must be written later). It houses my main 3 life inserts: a monthly view, a weekly view and a commonplace book. My monthly view is for my long term planning. My weekly view is for the detailed planning of the upcoming week. And lastly, my commonplace book is my a.k.a. journal but with a specific mindset. I also threw in it my 2020 Vision Board and a pocket thinga-a-ma-jig to hold stickers and washi cards.

# 3 Well that will be in part 2 of this blog. I need some tea and to update my planner to say I wrote my first part of a blog!

We shall chat soon again.

